I just ate chinese food, and I'm light headed and feel nausious, my eyes bother me too what could this be? - foods for light-headed
I have dizziness, stomach pain, my eyes are sensitive to light, and I have a headache. It started when I eat Chinese. I feel terrible.
Food poisoning or an allergic reaction to something that was in the food
You can not be so bad, it has combined its way to the PC, Yahoo Answers and published this question!
Oh, no! Yesterday I ordered Chinese, and threw the whole order into the trash. It has smelled like a dog that is not irrigated, or a dead cat or present - the eggs that are already in development. Yuck! My money was lost and I do not command the same Chinese restaurant and much more. I must now go to the loo ...
Call 911th One of my friends ate the food cheap Chineese Chicago a few years ago and spent the weekend in the hospital.
MSG is an additive often in Chinese cooking. I almost fainted when after eating Chinese food. Remember to ask, if you use if you want to eat at a Chinese restaurant again. The reaction of Mamy have.
is a reaction to MSG. If the conditions to go there, an emergency room. MSG works from your system.
Could a migraine by a particular kind of food you ate caused. Or Poisening food ... Back in the theory of migraine, can sometimes cause a certain type of food a migraine. For me, the red wine vinegar.
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