Could Good VS Evil A Figment of Our Imagination? - figment vs helix
I am pleased about the odd chance that was the concept of good and evil, the intent of the human spirit. Is that what we are something as good or bad as what we perceive as social norms. Could it be that man is the founder of what is good or bad, and described this idea of mankind since the beginning of civilization? Everyone is invited to respond, but I would like to express (if you're an atheist, please login as well). I'm not trying to meet someone, but I am very curious to see how others see them. And if atheists completely honest with yourself and believe in the good against evil, then they agree that the human faith in the things done in the same manner as they think it is religion. Could it be that if we allow people to act freely, for there is not good or bad, and just accept the decision of all the chaos in the world? Finally, there are places in the Bible, in which war is permissible. What do you say?
In religion, good and evil is based on perception.
If someone does not believe in your God, then you can mark / she is evil and kill him, even if he / she has never done blow.
In morality, good and evil based on the action. They are considered good if they act good and bad, if you do evil deeds.
Sometimes, you can in the gray area that has been taken in the steps to good and bad effects. How to rob someone and the money to the poor.
I am a Catholic, but I do not think that affects it, which I think is right and wrong. I do not think those are good and bad products of our imagination. We can see clearly, when the behavior is good and if they cause immense damage to third parties. I think that is the illusion that good and evil simply can not exist only. I think we would all like to think people can be good or bad. Or the illusion that we engage in other (in particular) in religion is that something outside instead of a practice that we can participate in all - for example, I was tempted by the devil, instead of this I wanted to do something very selfish, I know that the injury of others.
I'm curious what the name of Christianity, which have been collected in
Of the Christians to Christians, here is my answer.
They know that ultimately God determines good "and everything that has missed the target, it sin. That is the supreme law, do not move, IFS, or restrictions.
But on the country, in our kingdom, we are redefining what is good and the evil of our own human standards, but do not confuse God's standard is still in the final. He has the game makes the rules. You will notice as predicted in the Book of Revelation, that all "good" to "bad" and what "bad" is "good". The man confuses right and wrong by their own rules, but God has not changed.
TheirTan was to introduce the people, so that man had the choice between him and sin. God does not force anyone to hell, but not by choice, select the sin and all that is the sin. God could have easily programmed so ultimately what we are, but it is not in the business to manufacture robots.
It is God's standard of good and evil, and no man. What is the correct doctrine? As a Christian, the day of reckoning, what is the code to use the will of God? Your own or the people?
In general, the Bible, the support is not death, after all, the first commandment: Thou shalt not kill is.
However, there is no light and darkness. If we have a dark room, you can turn on the light and no light ta-dah. If we light a room to clear the light. We are not saying, again in the dark, because there is no darkness, only lack of light.
I think that a situation better when the light is absorbed, it can. Again, I say.
I believe that humanity's free will, but that is not necessarily synonymous with evil. However, only accounts that we can choose to make it dark or light paste. Using the metaphor of light.
I believe in God as lightgiver, and I believe in the devil, as just very angry, depressed, falling bodyRather than follow. Again, it is a matter of choice for the second.
Well, I was born Catholic, but I do not think a Catholic. I refuse to participate in a certain religion, because then, like saying that one religion is better than the others and only the war started. I have always regarded religion as the true Antichrist. Each has its dark side. Satanism, for example, is a religion that truly free speech. This is a self-centered religion, where man is free to give their dark desires. Thou art the God, you're a Satanist. Not good against evil, always has been. There will always be people and harm to others is really survival of the fittest. Evil will always try to damage the good and bad times, and often successful if the victim has the mental strength to fight.
There are some general rules-based society, there is an answer to this question.
Yes, our morale, many behavoirs to the norms of society and culture with them - for example, in the West we sympathize with individual conscience over the law of the group (we are an individualistic culture). Collectavist Some cultures are not (or not) have this tendency. The mood in the course of time change (eg "free love" generation of morality has changed only a few), and between individuals.
But some customs are universal - for example, have recently conducted experiments show that * I * preverbal infants are capable of basic moral decisions (based on the modular development, namely the detection of cheats) - but because of design constraintsgen with very young children, they are interpreting the results. Empathy is a universal function that will be used to achieve many of our universal moral principles (most of the major religions have very similar in fact to conduct the moral standards of man, if you can read the texts themselves, Learn, other to help)
If Universal is probably "good against evil" (even though the use may not be the best words), but only behavoirs much less than you think
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