Saturday, February 6, 2010

6 Newtonian Useful What Should I Expect To See In A 6 Inch Dobsonian?

What should I expect to see in a 6 inch Dobsonian? - 6 newtonian useful

I really want to watch Jupiter and Saturn, but I do not know what kind of view that will be born within 6 inches. Recently I had a 5-inch Newtonian with a length of 650 focal points and views of Saturn I have so far been disappointing. All I saw was a small yellow dot with pieces from both sides. Is this what we should expect to see in a 6-inch Dob?


Larry454 said...

I am surprised that you can not resolve the newt, the rings of Saturn with a 5-inch. A six-inch easily be decent view, at least the following:

Saturn with its rings sharp and clear
Belts of Jupiter and 4 moons storm
All types of lunar features
Neptune and Uranus
Mars and Venus
Globular cluster M4 in Scorpius
Lagoon Nebula M8
M11 Wild Duck Cluster
Messier M13
Globular cluster M15 in Pegasus
M17 Swan Nebula
Dumbbell Nebula M27
The Andromeda galaxy M31
M42 Orion Nebula
Whirlpool Galaxy M51 (on a clear night)
M57 Ring Nebula
M65 / M66 Galaxy in Leo
/ Big M82 galaxy M82 in the constellation Ursa
A number of Virgo galaxies
Double Cluster in Perseus

These are just the wealthiest. Typically, the hardest part of these things is to find and then to know what to expect, to see if you have found. If you need good cards, I recommend the book Nightwatch by Dickinson. However, a 6-inch should be able to see half of the Messier objects on a good night, and all the planets. If you need to know what to expect or if you have general instructions and go to an observation by a local astronomy club. You can find online and will be very useful. Good luck and clear skies.

ADDED: Oh --

Saturn and Mars are at the beginning of the night. Saturn is near Regulus in Leo and Mars is located directly above the exit end of Orion on the right side of the twins. This should be easy to find. Jupiter is very early in the morning before the sun - should be even better this year. Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, and gets up early and gathered around the sun at this time. The moon is in an ideal configuration if you can wait until midnight, when using a. Saturn is nice to see, even the moon. March tends to be disappointing. Clear sky.

injanier said...

A 6 "size is only slightly above 5 However, the description of Saturn, it seems that 5 Newt was missing", or your opinion is always bad. Under good conditions, you should be able to see Saturn at 200x or higher (it does not Have you ever tried) and see the rings and the definition all around. You should also consider the dark rings and one or two bands on the planet. Found by careful observation and a table, you can find several of the moons of Saturn, too. I think they had one or more problems with 5 ":
not well collimated
Increase is too low,
and poor
Neglected Approach
Neglect of the observation
Perspective of the poor.

Train Watcher said...

It checks the quality of the 130mm 5 cm mirror in which Newton and the eye. Maybe you have too much power and use of the image was soft.

I have a 6-inch Newton and I have cool on my porch for about an hour! Before that, there is a mixture of cold air outside and heated air in the tube slightly open. This makes blurry images. But do not be jealous of the owners closed the telescope tube. You have to wait long. And then they have dewshields and heaters because their glasses melted for all. Ha! I love my Newton for it. It must take a battery and a water heater with dew. In any case, even if the scope of the cooling of the sky can be observed. You might see some meteors. I go with the binoculars. I saw in my scope and binoculars shooting stars, satellites, and also weak. Some eye.

Assuming it was a good margin, it takes time to learn to make images look in one eye. Nothing in the sky does not look like a photo. You can think of the effort in an awkward position. The weather rarely signed. And OBJETC should not be within 45 degrees of the horizon of truth or searching in the air, twice or more turbulent. Do you have the heat rises on a wet road? You can even reverse the light and the illusion of water.

Yes, looks like a rough spot. Especially now that the bands and learn to look slimmer, because it is almost invisible to us. But it is very good to 5 satellites of Saturn, because if the rings we are open and bright it difficult to see and to information about Saturn.

Although Saturn is the second largest of our 8 planets, Jupiter, it seems far less than half the size! Further observation and practical advice.

I am learning to use a color filter light to increase contrast. E patients to see, learn about the effects of our atmosphere, where to look. You need experience to the best of what each can offer telescope to see!

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